Honey - Chia
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Chia Honey: A Superfood. Local Ontario Chia Honey (100% raw, unpasteurized, ecologically made local Canadian honey) First ever in its kind. A molecular and gastronomic innovation with carefully selected recipe, BABUNI Chia honey will certainly elevate not only your baking needs as a healthy substitute for sugar and raw chia seeds but also a healthy topping for your everyday snack. Highly recommended: give your morning smoothie a serious boost with loads of omega nutrition kick. Tips: ideal on pancakes, French toast, regular toast, bread and crackers. Fantastic on chia pudding recipe.
Background: Nestled away in the picturesque countryside of the north shore of Lake Ontario at the mouth of the Ganaraska River, the river which separates Durham and Northumberland Counties, our farmer's Apiaries are dedicated to natural delicious honey. Harvested in an ecologically friendly manner ensuring all the flavor and goodness remains, from Bee to you.