Thank you for visiting BC Bee Supply for Live Honeybees in Spring 2024.
We have the widest selection of imported and domestic honey bee colonies across Canada. However, most of these livestock products will only be available to our BC (and AB/YT) customers due to shipping limitations. It's best to pick up from our Burnaby location but we'll work with you on getting your bees to you!
To receive the latest information or a call from us, simply click the link at the top of the page and you will placed onto our Live Bee WAIT LIST. You will receive all of the details on the following Live Bee products and their options:
* Local Honeybee Nucs - nucleus colonies bred in BC (includes queen with frames of bees) * Imported Honeybee Packages - queen and bees shipped from the Southern Hemisphere * Full Honeybee Hives - a deep box containing 8-10 frames of bees (available in Summer) * Mated Queen Bees - queen bee (with attendants) ready to insert into queenless hives
Please check out all of the selections below and we will arrange to get the best bee options available to you! Contact us at 236 888 1484 if you have any questions or wish to place orders directly with us! Reach us through our CONTACT US form HERE!